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First, you need to figure out a starting point of things to write about.

You should create a list of topics you want to research.

Naturally, these topics should be relevant to your business industry or niche.

vector graphic showing an illustration of how to write a blog post

Say that you run a carpentry company and you want to bring people to your brick-and-mortar store.

That means you should research topics related to carpentry, such as:

  • Carpentry tutorials
  • Differences between different types of wood
  • When to repair carpentry items and when to hire experts (like you)
  • And so on

Ideally, you should come up with between five and 10 “topic buckets” based on what you think is most useful for your business.

If you have trouble coming up with topic buckets, put yourself in the shoes of your target audience members.

What do they like? What do they look for?

What are they most likely to think about when they find your brand for the first time?

Answering these questions can give you valuable insights into the minds of your potential customers and help you come up with topic buckets in no time.
