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vector graphic showing a generic-looking graphic of how much do vloggers make - a man sitting at a computer with money coming out of it

How Much Can You Earn From Vlogging?

It is hard to answer this question because many factors contribute to your vlogging earnings, like:

  • Traffic on your videos
  • Your income-generating method
  • Content quality
  • Consistency, etc.

However, if you play your cards right, you can earn between $750 and $1,500 monthly from vlogs.

Who Is The Highest-Paid Vlogger?

Top-rated vloggers are making millions nowadays.

As of 2021, Mr. Beast (Jimmy Donaldson) is the highest-earning vlogger in the States, with a $54 million annual revenue.

But he is one of many vloggers rolling in the money.

Here are the top 10 American vloggers and their earnings in 2021:

top vlogger
