How To Make Money Vlogging [Step-By-Step]

Learn how to make money vlogging, step-by-step. I'll teach you why streaming is a great income stream and how to set it up properly.

Are you camera confident and born with a creative bone? Then, vlogging is an ideal way for you to make money online.

Video content is trending online today. Over 80% of digital traffic is video generated—YouTube being the biggest video content contributor.

According to Statistica, 62% of Americans visited YouTube daily in 2020. And for a week and month, the statistics reached 92% and 98%, respectively.

Since people are consuming video content, you should use your video-making talent to make good money. So, let’s not think anymore and learn how to make money vlogging.

About Instructor


Brett Helling is the owner of – one of multiple digital assets in his portfolio. He has been starting, growing, and monetizing websites since 2014. While in college, he began to learn about digital marketing. After graduating, he continued to build a diverse portfolio of websites while working a full time job. After years of building the portfolio on the side, he made the jump to run his websites full time.

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