How To Build An Online Community

Learn how to build an online community, step-by-step. I'll show you the exact process I've been using to grow my own communities and what I've learned along the way.

In an online world where competition seems to constantly increase, standing out is as important as ever. Luckily, it’s not as hard as you’d think if you know the right things to do.

On the site so far, we’ve covered the core elements of building an authority site:

Now, I’m going to show show you how to take your site even one level further by building an online community that will not just greatly help improve the helpfulness of your website, but also increase engagement and retention like never before.

These lessons are ones that I’ve learned over the course of building multiple brands online that I’ve eventually turned into online communities – including, the community you’re engaging with right now.

By the end of this guide, you should have a good understanding of what online communities are, why they’re so impactful for your brand, and how to build one of your own.


About Instructor


Brett Helling is the owner of – one of multiple digital assets in his portfolio. He has been starting, growing, and monetizing websites since 2014. While in college, he began to learn about digital marketing. After graduating, he continued to build a diverse portfolio of websites while working a full time job. After years of building the portfolio on the side, he made the jump to run his websites full time.

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